Diatomaceous Earth, from Perma-guard, or 'Fossil Shell Flour' are the fossilised remains of one-celled plants (phytoplankton) called diatoms, from an ancient lakebed in Nevada in the South Western region of the USA.
Examined under a microscope and magnified 7000x these tiny diatoms appear as spiny honeycombs or tiny cheese-grater like cylinders. These microscopic cylinders are extremely hard and sharp. On the hardness scale, diamonds are 9, DE is 7, insect exo-skeletons are typically rated a 3.
The upside of which is when insects (ants, fleas, flies, cock-roaches to name but a few) come into contact with DE it ultimately kills them. The tiny particles of the sharp and hard DE stick to the insect, abrasively rub through and serrate their epi-cuticle and joints, absorb their bodily fluids and they die of dehydration. This process is purely mechanical not chemical. As such there is no build up or chemical residue, the insect cannot build up immunity or become tolerant to it.
DE is a desiccant. It absorbs moisture – some six times its own weight.
DE is death to bugs – every time! However, the insect must come into contact with DE in order for it to work. As a result Fossil Shell Flour is used extensively in domestic and commercial applications as a natural insecticide with OMRI organic registration.
Perma-guard’s Diatomaceous Earth deposit is 89 - 95 percent amorphous silica. As well as being very high in silica percentage and also contains 15 essential trace minerals including phosphorous, selenium, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc and iron.
In 1939, the Nobel Prize winner for chemistry, Professor Adolf Butenandt, proved that life cannot exist without Silica.
In the 2003 book "Water & Salt" Dr. Barbara Hendel stated: "Silica is the most important trace mineral for human health!"
Silica is the most plentiful element on earth, following oxygen; but there are very few foods that contain an adequate amount to supply the quantity your body needs. Silica is crucial to bones, tendons, skin, cartilage and blood vessels. Silica is even located in the blood itself and important organs such as the liver, heart, and lungs.
As well as the trace minerals, Fossil Shell Flour particles are negatively charged which is somewhat uncommon in the elemental world. Heavy metals, bacteria and viruses, pesticides and drug residues, E-Coli are typically positively charged.
Fossil Shell Flour has achieved OMRI registered, organic registration in the US. Additionally, the United States FDA and the New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) have assessed Fossil Shell Flour with GRAS status ‘Generally regarded as safe’. NZ BioGro Organic registration is approved as a livestock feed supplement and soil conditioner.
Ensure the DE that you buy is fresh-water based, BioGro & OMRI registered, food grade - Fossil Shell Flour.
DE purchased from other sources can and may be harmful to your health.
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